Tuesday, February 5, 2013

CEO of Diamonds International Morris Gad explains how ...

Crowdfunding has become one of the new hot trends on the World Wide Web thanks to websites like IndieGoGo.com and Kickstarter.com. These particular sites are associated with creative projects, such as raising money to make an album or to take time off of work to write a book. But there are other applications for this form of fundraising. ?USA Today? writes in a recent article that an increasing number of people are turning to crowdfunding websites to finance charitable causes, including paying medical bills. Morris Gad, who is an avid participant in philanthropic initiatives, encourages the use of such websites to bring a more personal element to the charitable donations that people give.

According to the article, the Human Tribe Project, FundRazr, GoFundMe, and GiveForward are websites that have been used by individuals to raise funds to pay for medical expenses. The article asserts: ?These can include situations such as f undraising for a loved one?s cancer diagnosis, aftercare following an accident, fertility treatments or even replacing a pair of eyeglasses held together with duct tape.?

Catherine Chapman, who works for Fullanthropy as a philanthropic consultant, notes that the personal appeal of these fundraising initiatives is what draws a lot of their donors in: ?The personal element is a lot more compelling than sending a check to a charity. Doing that is anonymous and you can?t relate, but if it?s your friend who has cancer, you want to help.?

In addition to friends, family members, and acquaintances donating to these causes, strangers are also providing the resources that these crowdfunding projects need. Gad notes that social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook have played a major role in spreading the word about fundraising endeavors and accumulating the support of people who are not personally connected to the situation.

?Crowdfunding is an amaz ing, revolutionary way for people in dire need of funds or entreprene urs in search of initial capital to secure the financial resources that they are seeking,? comments Morris Gad. ?It also allows people who want to lend a helping hand to do so, and to understand just how their support is impacting the people who receive it. With crowdfunding, virtually anyone can participate in the support of an individual or an organization no matter their financial status, as they can donate the amount that they can spare.?


Morris Gad serves as the CEO and president of the largest diamond and gemstone retailer in the world, Diamonds International. Headquartered in New York City, this company has locations in Mexico, the Caribbean, and even Alaska. In addition to his professional endeavors, Morris Gad dedicates a great deal of his time to philanthropic causes. In fact, Morris Gad has donated personal resources to a wide range of charitable organizations around the world, and he has ensured that Diamonds International gives back to the communities that support its success by also participating in charitable activities.

Source: http://www.diamondne.ws/2013/02/05/ceo-of-diamonds-international-morris-gad-explains-how-crowdfunding-can-be-extremely-successful-for-charities-as-it-allows-donors-to-benefit-from-understanding-exactly-what-their-contribution-is-achie/

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